Crude Oil & Petroleum Products
In an ever-evolving world market of clean & black oil trading, transportation and storage, it is vital, more than ever before, that a loss control strategy is in place - working on your behalf.
MCE have a wealth of global experience in the monitoring, measurement and control of a wide range of various crude oils and petroleum products.
Our Loss Control techniques include:
- 100 % attendance during a load, discharge or STS operation
- "Squeeze dry" discharge operations, effective C.O.W plan and monitoring,
particularly of heated or waxy natured cargoes
- Multi Point ROB/OBQ assessment
- Specialised Closed sampling techniques available
- Direct "real time" field communication with our clients
- Protection of the Principal’s commercial interest
- Analytical witnessing
- Minimising demurrage costs
- Cargo Blending, both onboard and in terminal
- Oversight of cargo document accuracy
- Detailed and un- biased report of events
- Loss Investigation